Saturday, October 6, 2012

Could Obama be the new Jimmy Carter?

   No, I'm not saying Barrack Obama will be defeated.  We've too much at stake for that.  Right?   
   But it suddenly it occurs to me that many similarities are there. 
   After the Watergate fiasco, the country needed a time of healing so we (they?) put in a man so moral, he could only admit to lust.  And so four years passed and we, as a country forgot about all the lies, thieving and corruption that had been uncovered on Richard M. Nixon's watch. 
   The country had had enough of Vietnam and the powers that be ended it.  But now with Watergate we needed to divert the issue and so we (they) elected a moral man whose chief concerns were with healing Veterans and human rights.
  But then a funny thing happened.  All of a sudden we were in a crisis with the Iran hostages and the "Bad Guys" were holding our good citizens.  So we needed a tough guy, someone who would get them out and so Jimmy went down after a single term.
  George Herbert Walker Bush came in; a former head of the Republican National Committeee and Director of the CIA and we all watched as the Soviet Union and Berlin Wall collapsed. This was not due to anything Bush Sr did but as a result of MTV, CNN and Levi's.  The American lifestyle had been sold like a bill of goods and the rest of the world slapped on their Walkmans and bought it.  And of course  we had our requisite war in the Middle East.  but Bush raised taxes after promising he wouldn't and he was out.  
  And so the taxes and recession were his undoing and Bill Clinton came in with a simple slogan, "Its the economy stupid." And so for the next eight years we prospered and  no one went to war.
   Then Dubya came in and you all know what happened next.  His unbridled greed and averice along with Dick Cheey's policies brought us to our knees. 
    And so once again America needed a fresh face, a change, a return to morality and we elected a Black man and can you get a fresher face than that? 
   And so we (temporarily) forgot the Great Recession and the two wars and we (they) laid low and waited until they could buy another election.  And they disguise it as jobs and helping the middle class.  But its not that.  It's more rape and profiteering for those who need it least but those are the ones who control the money.
   And that's where we stand today. 
   Don't make Obama a single term President.  I won't even go into the issues at stake.  But know if you do vote for Romney it will be more of the same for those who don't need more of the same. 
   Make your vote   C O U N T....      John Stover 10-6-12

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